posted by mkaya on 11/7 9:41 PM
Can I say "I bought several clothes last week."?
posted by clif on 11/8 11:19 AM
This would not be correct usage. The reason is that the word "clothes" has the connotation of a collection of things, rather than countable things. Thus, you would not use the adjective "several" with it, since several is used with countable things, like: several dresses, several hats, several jackets, etc. --in each of these examples you can easily count the number of dresses or hats or jackets that you have. But the word "clothes" would mean all of your dresses and hats and jackets, etc. ("My clothes are in the bedroom."); or everything that you're wearing ("Those are nice clothes you're wearing."); etc.; and thus it has a singular plural, uncountable quality to it. The way to say this would be: "I bought some clothes last week." The adj. "some" has an indefinite, uncountable quality to it, so it matches the word "clothes," which has that similar uncountable quality.
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posted by rotcod on 11/12 12:51 AM
Could I use the adjective "a little" with the word "clothes"? Could I say "I bought a little clothes last week." Thank you.
posted by clif on 11/12 8:17 AM
The phrase "a little" would seem to have the same uncountable qualtiy that "clothes" has. For example, you can say: "There's a little water in the container." or "There's some water in the container." However, you can't say: "I bought a little clothes last week." There is seeming no logical reason why you can't say this, but that's just the way it is in the language. This is just one more example of usage that has to be learned through experience with the language.
"aboard" means " on board"
posted by MAS1981 on 11/5 9:52 AM
Welcome ____ the flight to Taipei. (Why can't I use on or board?) Thank you very much. (Ans: aboard)
posted by clif on 11/5 11:22 AM
The traditional way of welcoming people onto a flight is: "Welcome aboard the flight to Taipei." You can also say "Welcome on board the flight to Taipei." "Aboard" and "on board" mean the same thing. There is technically nothing wrong with "Welcome on the flight to Taipei.", but that's just not the traditional way of greeting passengers. "Welcome, board (that is: get on) the flight to Taipei." is grammatically correct, but it is a very abrupt and rude way to greet passengers.
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posted by MAS1981 on 11/6 5:00 AM
How come "Welcome board the fight to Taipei." is abrupt and rude to greet passengers???
posted by clif on 11/6 11:16 AM
In the sentence "Welcome board the flight to Taipei." it depends on how you interpret the words in the sentence. If you interpret the word "board" as a verb, then you're using the verb as a command: "Board the flight to Taipei!" Only on a military flight where the passengers are enlisted men and the greeter is an officer would the passengers be welcomed this way. On a commercial airline flight the passengers would never be commanded to get on the plane like this.
The sentence might be permissible if you interpret
the word "board" as an abreviated form of
"aboard" or "on board"--you're omitting the "a" or
the "on," as in: "Welcome 'board the flight to
Taipei." If you're an experienced flight attendent
and you've said this a million times, you might after
a while get lazy about it an slur your words, omitting
the "a" or "on," and if you do it smoothly with
the right inflection in your voice, this might be
okay in some circumstances. But it would be
better to say the words properly all the time:
"aboard" or "on board."
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一日,辭宋將軍曰:「吾始聞汝名,以為豪,然皆不足用。吾去矣!」將軍彊留之。乃曰:「吾嘗奪取諸響馬 物,不順者輒擊殺之;眾魁請長其群,吾又不許;是以讎我。久居此,禍必及汝。今夜半,方期我決鬥某所。」宋將軍欣然曰:「吾騎馬挾矢以助戰。」客曰:「止!賊能且眾,吾欲護汝,則不快吾意。」宋將軍故自負,且欲觀客所為,力請客。客不得已 ,與偕行。將至鬥處,送宋將軍登空堡上,曰:「但觀之,慎弗聲,令賊知汝也!」時雞鳴月落,星光照曠野,百步見人。客馳下,吹觱篥數聲。頃之,賊二十餘騎四面集,步行負弓矢從者百餘人。一賊提刀縱馬奔客,曰:「奈何殺吾兄!」言未畢,客呼 曰:「椎!」賊應聲落馬,馬首盡裂。眾賊環而進,客從容揮椎,人馬四面仆地下,殺三十餘人。宋將軍屏息觀之,股栗欲墮。忽聞客大呼曰:「吾去矣!」地塵且起,黑煙滾滾東向 馳去。後遂不復至。